zaterdag 21 januari 2023
Dance with Dragons + End of the Dream
Female-fronted Metal Night
Female-fronted Metal Night in StudioGonz!

Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 00:00 uur
Tickets Niet-leden: €6.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €4.00
Tickets Leden: €4.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €2.00
Female-fronted Metal Night in StudioGonz!
*** Dance with Dragons ***
Dance with Dragons is een symfonische metalband uit Delft.
Soms snoeihard en duister, dan weer poeslief, Dance with Dragons staat voor stevige melodische metal met een energie die het podium afknalt in een crescendo van melodie, grunts, brullende gitaren en krachtig slagwerk.
Dance with Dragons is een band die uit door de wol geverfde muzikanten bestaat en waarvan de kernleden al ruim 20 jaar met elkaar spelen. Mede hierdoor weten zij hun strakke, energieke show neer te zetten.
Dance with Dragons is een door enthousiasme, muzikaliteit en creativiteit bevlogen band, geschikt voor elk podium.
*** End of the Dream ***
End of the Dream started as a passion project of Micky Huijsmans, Armen Shamelian and Robin van Ekeren. In just a few years they have grown to a full-force band, breathing new life into the established genre of female-fronted metal. So far they have independently released two full-length albums.
End of the Dream released their critically acclaimed debut album ‘All I Am’, produced by Joost van den Broek, in 2015. Since then they have proven to be one of the most promising young bands in the Netherlands. They spent the next two years touring across Europe. Highlights include touring with Leaves’ Eyes, Liv Kristine and Van Canto, playing two shows with Delain, and playing at the farewell show of Stream of Passion. They have also played at the Dutch FemME festival twice, among bands like Lacuna Coil, Arch Enemy, and others.With the release of their second album ‘Until You Break’ in 2017, also produced by Joost van den Broek, they have taken the next step to becoming a staple in the Dutch female-fronted metal scene. With more shows and tours to come, and a steadily growing fan base across Europe, it seems like the dream is only just beginning.
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