zaterdag 28 juni 2014
Panoptikon + Resurrect Tomorrow + Essence Of Insanity
Oldskool death/trash metal

Zaal open: 21:00 uur
Deur sluit: 01:00 uur
Tickets Niet-leden: €5.00
Tickets Niet-leden VVK: €5.00
Tickets Leden VVK: €3.00
Panoptikon maakt beukende OldsKool Death/Thrash metal met de hoofdletter K! Hou je van blazende groovende gitaarpartijen zonder al te veel gepingel, dan zit je bij Panoptikon aan het goede adres.
Panoptikon is in de zomer van 2006 ontstaan en is vanaf die tijd bezig geweest om een mix te vinden tussen klassiek beukwerk en groove. Na de eerste promo komt er nu een nieuwe 4-track ep uit. Panoptikon verwacht deze rond april 2013 klaar te hebben.
Resurrect Tomorrow
In February 2012 the new band Resurrect Tomorrow is founded. Most of the members already know each other; some a couple of years, some over 10 years. The four-piece band decides to start writing songs for a full album immediately. By the end of the year, this resulted in the songs which would eventually be on the album 'A Dying Lie’. Resurrect Tomorrow decided to tour in the homeland of lead singer Hakan Aydín - Turkey - for two weeks, playing all the songs that would be on 'A Dying Lie’. Not too long after coming back home, bassist Jeffrey van Splunder quits the band for personal reasons. Resurrect Tomorrow soon found a new bassist in the person of Ilja Timmerman. With the updated line-up the band continues to complete their first album towards a digital release on December 8th, 2013. The album was released digitally on platforms like iTunes, Spotify, and CDBaby.
A varied background and plethora of musical experience brings together a set of musicians that when put together realize an intense feeling of raw metal. A less is more and no-subtelty attitude means that nothing is ever loud enough, as the band strives to give 110% every step of the way.
Essence of Insanity